European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations: The programme combines expertise in migration studies with intersecting fields, such as gender studies, cultural studies, and education and development studies.
MACLANDS is a Master Degree in territories` sustained development and management for and through heritage and cultural landscape. 16 ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarships will be available for both categories
The Astor Junior Research Fellowship in Chemistry - The Fellowship carries a stipend of £18, 844 per annum (subject to review). In addition, the Fellow will be entitled to a housing allowance (currently £1,660 p.a.) or to accommodation in College if available, free meals in College, and to entertainment, research and book allowances.
Postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Rita Ghosh in the Department of Urology, School of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, TX.
These fellowships are normally tobe held in the fourth or fifth year, or earlier, and are for the purpose of allowing the students to devote a greaterportion of their time to research, fieldwork, and writing than would otherwise be possible.
A postdoctoral position is available in the Aquaculture Division, Department of Genetics, Stellenbosch University with the focus on Genetic Diversity and Population Structure
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